To make the benefits of the Transportation and Climate Initiative a reality, Connecticut must pass implementing legislation. Here's how to tell state legislators to do just that.
Quick Action: Send Your Legislators a Message
It's important that your state senator and representative know YOU WANT TCI. Use this simple form to send them a message now—and customize it to explain just why this Clean Air Bill matters to you.
Become an Official TCI Supporter
Coalition Sign-on for Organizations or Businesses
Sign-on Letter for Medical and Healthcare Professionals
Sign-on Letter for Mayors and First Selectmen
Next steps for greater impact:
Demand that Leadership LEAD
A handful of legislative leaders have the power to help get TCI over the finish line. Your call can help.
You’ll talk to an aide or leave a voicemail. Tell them you want the Transportation and Climate Initiative to be passed ASAP in a special session because you want a better future for your community. Demand clean air, good jobs, and a modern transportation system.
Senate President Martin Looney at 860-240-8614
Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff at 203-840-1333
Speaker of the House Matt Ritter at 860-240-8585
House Majority Leader Jason Rojas at 860-240-8586
Contact Your Elected Officials Directly
Find your State Representative and State Senator on the CGA website, and send them a message saying you support the Transportation and Climate Initiative:
Mention that the Transportation and Climate Initiative is a bipartisan effort to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
Discuss the importance of TCI to our communities, including the health and job benefits!
Discuss how TCI could impact your own life and community
Ask if they are willing to meet or speak on the phone to discuss this policy, and provide your phone number and email so they can respond. Always thank them for their time!
Submit a Letter to the Editor of Your Local Newspaper
When you see articles about the Transportation and Climate Initiative, you can write a letter to the editor to share your thoughts. A letter to the editor is typically 100-200 words. Click here for an example of what your letter might look like.
Customize your letter to talk about your own community and the issues you care about most!
Submit an Op-Ed to Your Local Newspaper
You can write an opinion-editorial to your local newspaper about the Transportation and Climate Initiative. An op-ed is typically between 400 and 800 words, shares an opinion on an issue, and provides a solution to that issue. For example, one could state their support for Connecticut to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and the Transportation and Climate Initiative would serve as the policy solution. Here is a link to an op-ed by Charles Rothenberger, Climate and Energy Attorney at Save the Sound. Only submit your op-ed to one paper at a time, but be willing to move on to the next if you have not heard back in 3-5 days!
Share Info about TCI on Your Social Media
Tell your friends you support the Transportation and Climate Initiative, and why! There's a lot of misinformation out there, and honest conversations with your friends can help counter it. Share articles and your thoughts about the Transportation and Climate Initiative. Have thoughtful conversations about the importance of reducing greenhouse gases from cars and trucks. TCI provides a pathway for multiple states to take action on climate change and invest in our local communities.
Tag Your Legislators on Social Media
Legislators are always checking their social media, so it’s a very effective way to reach out to them! Tag your state representatives and state senators and tell them you support TCI. Click here for social media samples you can use on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.